Alchemized Body

Free Offerings

Free meditations, podcasts, videos, and additional resources will be posted here for anyone to access. Join me on a journey of claiming freedom, authenticity, holistic health, and wellness.

Liz Thomas Liz Thomas

Cafe Binge Podcast Episode No 8: Eating Disorders vs Disordered Eating

Cafe Binge Podcast Episode: Eating Disorders vs Disordered Eating (+Intuitive Eating & Natural Weight Loss) with Elizabeth Thomas PhD, LCSW

In this episode I explain the differences between eating disorders and disordered eating, how to bring mindfulness into eating, intuitive eating, how to drop the diet mentality and answer the question, "Can someone be addicted to food?"

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Alchemists are creators. They are change makers. They are living mascots of personal transformation and transmutation of metaphorical lead into gold.

We are here to support you on the path you feel called to walk. But, trust your own truth processing system (i.e. your intuition), and use the practices that resonate and feel aligning for you, and feel free to discard what doesn’t. You are your own healer. You are already what you want to become, it really is just a matter of burning away what’s not actually you, and realizing that you have the power to claim freedom, peace, and joy.