Alchemized Body
“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.”
― Gabor Maté
“Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”
― Bessel A. van der Kolk
Alchemists are creators. They are change makers. They are living mascots of personal transformation and transmutation of metaphorical lead (such as trauma, disease, disorder, or the stories that we tell ourselves) into gold. This transformation is less about becoming than it is about unbecoming. It’s a process of shedding the things that separate us from our authentic selves and our feelings. Because the process of alchemy takes place within the body, physical effects are absolutely experienced; ultimately, however, this process is a spiritual journey, and spiritual journeys are inherently also explorations of identity. It is in finding ourselves that we find our greatest spiritual power, as well as holistic health and wellbeing. Alchemized Body was born out of the navigation of my own faith and identity crises, through which I have been able to experience significant physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts. My process has of course been informed by all of my clinical, graduate level teaching, and research experience, but it has also been a deeply personal and spiritual journey. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers ― I don’t. I hope that I never feel as though I’ve arrived at all of the answers, because I think that’s where learning, growth, and expansion cease. But I have absolutely experienced alignment, peace with food, and peace with and within my own body. I am excited to share with you what has been powerful medicine for me, and trust that you will resonate with what will be powerful medicine for you as well. Alchemization is a spiritual, psychological, and physical process that enables us to burn away everything other than our authentic selves, and learn how we become the means of both literally and spiritually taking in matter and transforming it for our highest good. I am here to support you on the path you feel called to walk. I have been supported in my journey by many allies - human, animal, plant, and spirit, for which I’m incredibly grateful. But ultimately, I have found my greatest healing through trusting myself and tapping into my own wisdom and healing powers. Trust your own truth processing system (i.e. your intuition), and use the practices that resonate and feel aligning for you, and feel free to discard what doesn’t. You are your own healer. You are already what you want to become, it really is just a matter of burning away what’s not actually you, and realizing that you have the power to claim freedom, peace, and joy.
You are an alchemist.